Angels in Islam | Online Quran classes

Angels are spiritual existences created by Allah to transmit various responsibilities in the cosmos. They are prepared by light they don’t have free will. This means they always follow Allah's commands, unlike us humans. If we really want to expand our knowledge and beliefs of Islam we can join online Quran classes.

Four of the main angels in Islam contain

  • Jibril (Gabriel)
  • Mikael (Michael)
  • Israfil
  • Azrael

Muslims believe in the existence of angels and their importance in carrying out Allah's divine plan. They are also instructed to respect and honor the angels, but not to worship them.

Jibril (Gabriel)

Jibril is the most significant angel in Islam. He played an essential role in bringing Allah's message to the prophets. That also includes our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Jibril appeared to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the form of a man. And then he exposed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) over 23 years. By joining online Quran classes we can learn what message Jibril gave to the specific prophet.

Important roles of Jibril

Jibril is also known for other significant parts in Islam. For example,

He have assisted Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) in structure the Kaaba in Mecca. Which is considered the leakiest location in Islam.

He have visited Prophet Musa (Moses). He educated him with the information of the hidden.

Jibril is related with the yearly occasion of Layla al-Qadr (Night of Power). It is one of the holiest hours of darkness of the Islamic chart.

Jibril is considered a symbol of cleanliness and heavenly guidance. Muslims hold great admiration for Jibril.

Mikael (Michael)

Mikael, also known as Michael, is an important angel in Islam who is responsible for overseeing the natural world. According to Islamic beliefs, he is responsible for managing the provisions and sustenance of all creatures, including humans, animals, and plants.

Online Quran classes for kids and adults makes it easier to learn the detailed roles of Mikael. Mikael is also believed to be responsible for controlling the elements of the natural world, such as the wind, rain, and thunder.

Essential roles of Mikael

Mikael’s role is indispensable in upholding the equilibrium and coherence of the universe.

 He is also related with mercy and sympathy. He allocates Allah's mercy to all beings.

 Muslims hold great respect for Mikael. Muslims consider him a significant figure in their faith. They have faith in that he plays a vital role in Allah's divine plan.

·         His presence guarantees the stability and steadiness of the usual world.


Israfil is in charge for gusting the trumpet on the Day of Judgment. This will be signal as end of the world. After that the revival of all humanities for judgment by Allah.

Israfil's trumpet

Some facts about that majestic trumpet;

·         Israfil's trumpet will be heard by all creatures.

·         the sound will cause the highlands to be crush and the oceans to simmer

The trumpet will be gusted three periods, with each time having an altered importance:

·         the first time will be sign of end of the world

·         the next time will signal the revival of all

·         the third time will signal the judgment of all creatures

Muslims hold great respect for Israfil. They consider him a significant figure in their belief. Day of Judgment is near then you think. Prepare for it by reading Quran. If you cannot read Quran online Quran classes for kids and adults are best options nowadays.


Azrael is an important angel in Islam. He is responsible for taking the souls of folks once they die. Azrael is individual of the four archangels.

Passion of Azrael

·         When a person dies, Azrael eliminates the soul from the body.

·         He delivers the soul to Allah for decision.

·         Azrael is sympathetic and kind towards the righteous and believers

·         His existence carries peace and ease to them during their last moments.

Muslims hold great respect for Azrael and think of him a one of the main figure in their faith. The night of Qabr is not easy we can learn more about it by online Quran teachers in online Quran classes.

Significance of believing angel in Islam

Having faith in in angels is a vital aspect of Islam.  It has major importance in the existence of Muslims.  Online Quran classes not only tell us how we can have faith in angels but also other part of Quran also.

Here are some of the explanations why trusting in angels is significant in Islam:

Divine Leadership

Allah has sent prophets and messengers to leader humankind. Angels played a vital role in bringing Allah's message to HIS prophets. So, believing in angels is vital for Muslims to comprehend Allah's divine supervision.

Divine Protection

Angels are always exists round us and defend us from destruction. Trusting in angels can provide Muslims an intelligence of divine shield and comfort, after knowing that Allah's heavenly existences are viewing over them.

Admitting of Allah's Control

Believing in angels is a method for Muslims to admit the power of Allah. Allah shaped angels with exact roles and tasks. Their presence is an evidence to Allah's control and divine strategy.

Faith in the Hereafter

Angels are in authority for carrying out Allah's sentence on the Day of Judgment. Having faith in in angels and their roles in the next world provides Muslims hope that their moral activities will be rewarded. The sinners will be punished.


Angels hold significant importance in Islam, and they play a crucial role in delivering Allah's messages, guiding humanity, protecting believers, and carrying out Allah's judgment. Learn Quran online because Online Quran classes can teach students about the fundamental beliefs of Islam like having faith on angels.

Believing in angels is an essential aspect of Muslim. It helps Muslims to acknowledge Allah's divine direction, admit Allah's power, feel mentally safe, and have hope in the hereafter. Online Quran classes may offer more in-depth study of Islamic beliefs and Islamic jurisprudence.
